OpenX Upgrade Page Full of Errors

20 August 2010

I was moving and upgrading OpenX for a client (v2.8.5). I changed some things in the config file, then went in to the admin interface (install page).

I got a screen full of baffling error messages starting:

MESSAGE: Undefined variable: imgPath
TYPE: Notice
FILE: /home/nice/public_html/www/admin/install.php
LINE: 75

70 $oMenu->add(new OA_Admin_Menu_Section('install', '', ''));
72 if ($oController->hasLayout()) {
73 //layout
74 $oPageHeader = $oController->getModelProperty('pageHeader');
75 phpAds_PageHeader('install', $oPageHeader, $imgPath, false, true, false);

76 }
77 if ($view) {
78 $view->display();
79 }
80 echo $actionContent;

MESSAGE: Only variable references should be returned by reference
TYPE: Notice
FILE: /home/nice/public_html/lib/OA/Admin/Menu/Section.php
LINE: 354

349 {
350 if ($this->type == $type) {
351 return $this;
352 }
353 else {
354 return $this->parentSection != null ? $this->parentSection->getParentOrSelf($type) : null;

355 }
356 }
359 /**

MESSAGE: Only variable references should be returned by reference
TYPE: Notice
FILE: /home/nice/public_html/lib/OA/Admin/Menu/Section.php
LINE: 354

349 {
350 if ($this->type == $type) {
351 return $this;
352 }
353 else {
354 return $this->parentSection != null ? $this->parentSection->getParentOrSelf($type) : null;

355 }
356 }
359 /**

MESSAGE: Undefined index: PREF
TYPE: Notice

Undefined variables. Something’s wrong with reading the config file.

I had to edit the code to find out what the problem was. In the init-parse.php file, look for $conf = @parse_ini_file. Remove that @ sign – it’s suppressing the error message. Try again and you should see an error saying can’t parse ini file on line X.

In my case, it’s because I put a dollar sign in the database password. Seems that’s not valid in the ini file. I changed the password and it’s working.

Pretty obscure, no?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Scott @ 11:29 am

1 Comment »

  1. Hey man thanks for this. Was doing an upgrade from 2.4 -> 2.8 on a new server. I changed the mysql password to a stronger one using a password generator that had some special characters in it. Got a huge page full of errors as well. Just changed the password to one without any characters and boom, worked.

    Comment by Brandon — 30 January 2011 @ 3:16 pm

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